Funny Gallery 2 at IPOH LOVELY PET CARE
This pets dye in to Rainbow colour.
Funny Gallery 3 at IPOH LOVELY PET CARE
This dog has colours dyed on its legs and ears. The letter "M" on its chest .
Funny Gallery 4 at IPOH LOVELY PET CARE
It seems that the dog has put on a new colourful coat after the fur has been dyed.
Funny Gallery 5 at IPOH LOVELY PET CARE
The fur on the limbs and ears of this dog has been dyed black to make it look like a cute panda cub
Funny Gallery 6 at IPOH LOVELY PET CARE
This originally white-coloured dog stands out with its newly acquired colour.
Funny Gallery 7 at IPOH LOVELY PET CARE
Pets look gorgeously when they dye up into different colour.
Lovely Pet Care Concept aim
We believe that you and your lovely pet should be treat with utmost care and respect.
We hare set up a professional grooming and stylind centre to cater your pet equipments by offering full services grooming for all breed of dogs.
Lovely Pet Care Featured in Yeah! Magazine
Lovely Pet Care advertising in Yeah! Magazine - how to take care of your lovely pet
Lovely Pet Care in Yeah! Magazine
Lovely Pet Care and Friends !
Chow Chow
Lovely Pet Care & Belle